Public Affairs Networking
21/12 – Today’s headlines from across the EU


BBC EuropeBerlin truck attack: Tunisian sought over market deaths – reports. According to a temporary-stay permit found under a seat in the cab of the lorry, the man, named as Anis A, was born in 1992 in the city of Tataouine. A police operation is reported to be under way in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia where the permit was issued.


Berlin frees attack suspect

Police, lacking grounds to hold detainee, warn that deadly truck’s driver could be at large.


Refugees from an arctic thaw

As sea ice rapidly recedes, polar bears are forced to hunt for food on land.


Le Monde 

Berlin struck at its heart

Following a truck attack at a Christmas market in Berlin, which left 12 dead and 48 injured, the Berlin police speaks of a “possible terrorist attack”.

Les Echos 

Defense: head of armed forces makes warning

Army Chief of Staff Pierre de Villiers urges for means adapted to threats. He calls for a defense budget worth 2% of GDP.


Frankfurter Allgemeine

President Gauck: An attack that strikes at the heart

Horror after attack on Christmas market. First suspect released. ISIS claims responsibility.

Sueddeutsche Zeitung

The shock of Berlin

12 dead, 48 injured: The attack on the Christmas market has a “terrorist background”, investigators say. Although police arrested a suspect quickly, it fears that the real culprit is still on the run.


La Repubblica 

Berlin: the killer’s escape, Italian tears for Fabrizia

The refugee arrested after the killing has been released, while ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attack.

Il Sole 24 Ore 

Vivendi reaches 25.7%, Mediaset skyrockets on the market

Presentation to Agcom: unlawful conduct – shares up 23.3%.


Gazeta Wyborcza 

Macierewicz and big demotions

Minister of National Defence Antoni Macierewicz claims the right to demote officers and non-commissioned officers, including those who are already dead. Minister Macierewicz referred the project designated as “top urgent” for consultations.


El Pais 

Islamic State claims responsibility for Berlin attack

The perpetrator of the terror attack managed to escape and is armed. Police released the suspect that had been arrested.


Carrefour and Mercadona defy Amazon

Supermarket chains invest more than 500 million euros in new establishments.



Facebook charged over WhatsApp data sharing

EU could seek fine of up to $125 million. Move set to deepen US-Brussels rift.

The Times

International manhunt for Berlin’s mass killer

German police admit arresting wrong suspect. Race to find lorry driver after ISIS claims attack.

The Guardian 

Hunt for truck attacker continues as far right puts blame on Merkel

Police admits initial arrest was the wrong man, while ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack



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