Public Affairs Networking
22/12 – Today’s headlines from across the EU


BBC EuropeBerlin attack: Tunisian fugitive ‘had been under surveillance’. A Europe-wide manhunt is under way for the Tunisian man wanted for the lorry attack on a Christmas market in Berlin in which 12 people were killed.  Anis Amri, 24, had been monitored earlier this year on suspicion of planning a robbery in order to pay for guns but surveillance was lifted for lack of evidence.


German manhunt targets migrant

Tunisian suspect was previously probed for terror ties, but efforts to deport man failed.


The year terrorism became “our new normal”

Murder of Russian envoy and attack on market point to ominous future.


Le Monde 

Merkel under fire after Berlin attack

“We will find the strength for the life we want to live in Germany – free,” said Angela Merkel the day after the Berlin Christmas market attack.

Les Echos 

Why the French save always more

The amount saved by the French reaches levels not seen since 2008. Considered as a sign of risk aversion, simple depositions are collected at a steady pace.


Frankfurter Allgemeine 

Large search for “dangerous person” from Tunisia

Up to €100,000 reward for information. Contacts to Salafists.

Sueddeutsche Zeitung 

Manhunt for a Tunisian

The police suspects that the 23-year-old Anis A. steered the truck into the crowd. The man was already known to the authorities. A terror case was even opened on him due to suspicion of terrorism.


La Repubblica

Marra suspected again, Raggi could be investigated

Raffaele Marra, City Hall chief of staff sentenced for corruption, is again under the spotlight for having promoted his brother. Virginia Raggi could have been aware and could also be investigated.

Il Sole 24 Ore 

MPS: the conversion is not enough, the “saving-bank” decree is coming

2.44 from bonds, a new Treasury plan will be required.


Gazeta Wyborcza 

The Government’s war and peace

Head of Law and Justice (PiS) Jarosław Kaczyński blames the crisis on the Opposition and refers to its actions as acceptance of criminal activities. Nevertheless, even members of PiS authorities have doubts about the effectiveness of such a strategy.


El Pais 

Spanish banks to give back €4.2 billion due to threshold clauses

EU justice considers that people who take out a mortgage loan should get their money back.


Spanish banks condemned for threshold clauses

An EU decision will force banks to give back €1.5 million to clients.


FT Europe 

Italy lines up €20 billion fund for Monte dei Paschi bailout

Private-sector rescue hopes crumble. Rome moves to end crisis in sector.

The Times 

Berlin massacre suspect was watched for months

Tunisian migrant had been investigated since March. Police missed vital clues at scene of attack.

The Guardian 

The one who got away: police hunt truck suspect who slipped off radar

Reward offered to track down Tunisian man, 24.



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