Public Affairs Networking
27/05 – Today’s headlines from across the EU


FT – IMF makes significant shift with vote of confidence in renminbi. Fund says Chinese currency is “no longer undervalued.” Stance puts it at odds with US.

WSJECable firms make case for merger. As top executives at Charter Communications Inc. and Time Warner Cable Inc. laid out their vision Tuesday for the cable companies’ planned USD 55 billion merger, their pitch seemed aimed as much at Washington as at Wall Street.

INYTFor Muslims in France, laws on veils spur hostility. Rules meant to integrate fuel sense of exclusion amid accounts of abuse.


Le MondeBrexit: Europe faces David Cameron’s threat. The British Prime Minister should confirm on Wednesday 27 May the organisation of a referendum to decide the future of his country in the European Union.

Les EchosStress at work: the reasons why costs might increase. Constraints for alleviated businesses. The Medef and the UIMM remain highly critical and denounce a “time bomb.” Amendments should be voted this Wednesday.


Frankfurter Allgemeine (FAZ) – CDU-CSU politicians campaign for gay marriage. CDU MP says: “in the party, the understanding of realities is sharpening.”

Sueddeutsche ZeitungNo-spy affair burdens Merkel. The Federal government had no authorisation from the US government as regards an espionage agreement in the Summer 2013. A note for the file shows the Federal Chancellor knew that, but the public was informed differently.


La Repubblica17 candidates declared ineligible in Puglia and Campania. Disagreement over releasing names. The anti-mafia parliamentary commission concluded its proceeding over the regional elections of May 31st: 4 candidates in Puglia and 13 candidates in Campania were declared ineligible. Members of the commission failed to find an agreement as to when their names should be released.

Il Sole 24 Ore – Ignazio Visco, governor of the Bank of Italy, gave the green light to mutual banks’ reform and bad banks in order to strengthen growth. Regarding the bad banks, Mr Visco wants to find a quick solution with the EU.


Gazeta –  Chronicle of a catastrophe. Bronisław Komorowski’s election staff explains how he has not been elected President of Poland. They explain that they fell short of a week of campaign and 1-2% voters’ turnout. What they do not mention is terrible mess and internal fights.


El PaisLeaders from the PP resign and question Rajoy. Five regional leaders start their withdrawal and invite the President to do likewise.

ExpansionOrange wants to be listed on the stock exchange after purchasing Jazztel. The National Securities Market Commission gives its green light for the French group’s EUR 3.4 billion takeover bid on its rival.


The Times – Cameron blinks first in row over human rights. David Cameron has stepped back from an early confrontation with his own MPs over a controversial move to scrap European human rights laws.

The GuardianUK’s liberties under threat, warns Clegg. Lib Dem tries to rally bruised party with pledge to defend human rights.


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