Public Affairs Networking
28/09 – Today’s headlines from across the EU


FTSaudis pull billions from global asset managers to fund deficit. BlackRock and Legal&General hit. Oil price fall linked to switch in investment strategy.

WSJEVW financing costs rise. Amid the scandal over diesel emissions, lending unit will feel effect of falling bonds.

INYT- Migrants fuel raft economy in Turkey. Port city does brisk trade in seagoing equipment for crossing into Europe.


Le MondeWill polemicists take the politicians’ place? Valeurs actuelles ordered a survey on a candidacy to the Presidential election by Éric Zemmour. Patrick Buisson was behind the operation.

Les EchosForeign accounts are good business for tax authorities. Overseas assets’ regularisation may bring €2 billion in 2016. Over two and a half years, 45,000 taxpayers have repatriated capital.


Frankfurter AllgemeineGauck: We want to help, but our possibilities are not infinite. Federal President refers to arrival of refugees as an historical event.

Sueddeutsche ZeitungPlagiarism suspicions against Von der Leyen. The Federal Defense Minister’s 1990 doctoral thesis is said to have been written off.


La RepubblicaVictory for the separatists. In Catalonia, the separatist front won a majority of seats but only 48% of the popular vote. 77% of Barcelona’s citizens participated in the election. Leader Artur Mas calls for independence.

Il Sole 24 OrePublic investments risk being paralysed. Not only the central government but also regional governments are affected by the law on balanced budgets, which could give a serious blow to public investment.


Gazeta WyborczaInsurance policies at schools fall under criticism. Prevention fund is a new way to circumvent a ban imposed on schools to prevent the institutions from making money on selling group insurance policies.


El PaisPro-independence parties win election but lose plebiscite. Parties which want to split from Spain – Junts pel Sí and CUP – win 72 seats in parliament but fall short of 50% of votes, with the largest turnout in Catalonia’s history – 77%.

ExpansionCatalonia fractures. Junts pel Si wins election but needs CUP to govern. Ciutadans makes great progress thanks to the fall of PP and PSC.


The TimesSecret plot to oust Labour moderates. Corbyn allies recruited to infiltrate constituencies.

The GuardianBlow to Corbyn as Labour delegates bar Trident vote. Unions spurn call for debate on renewing missiles. Leader’s camp insists that move is not a setback. Relief for some that divisive issue will not be raised.



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